Bogatha Waterfall is a waterfall located on the Cheekupally stream in Koyaveerapuram G, Wazeedu Mandal, Jayashankar Bhupalpally district, Telangana. It is located 120 kilometers from Bhadrachalam, 140km away from Warangal and 329 kilometers from Hyderabad. The newly constructed Eturnagaram bridge on NH 202 reduced the travelling distance to 329km from 440km.
The waterfall flows heavely in reaning season but the good time to visit the Bogatha is after monsoon June and December because it is very dangerous in monsoon when it's raining heavily it is too dangerous that time to visit the ogatha waterfalls.
Situated in forest region between Kaleswaram and Bhadrachalam, Bogatha falls is formed on Chikupally Vagu that merges with River Godavari. Situated amidst thick vegetation, Bogatha Falls is a favorite picnic spot for the residents of nearby villages. Dropping from a height of over 50 feet in several parallel streams, the water is collected into a large pool at the bottom of the falls. Swimming in the pool is a favorite activity here and swimming here is considered safe.
Bogatha waterfalls are also called as nayagara of India. It is very superb place to visit in between the rainy and mansoon season. But there is no accommodation places near. It's a one day visit. Need to arrange food and water before going to this place.
Bogatha falls are located in picturesque location. Cannot swim in the plunge pool. Lot of rocks are there on the bed of the pool. So no diving, if you dive will definitely get hurt. Can soak in water. Not advisable to go to the plunge area. No amaenities or food options available at the falls.
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The waterfall flows heavely in reaning season but the good time to visit the Bogatha is after monsoon June and December because it is very dangerous in monsoon when it's raining heavily it is too dangerous that time to visit the ogatha waterfalls.
Situated in forest region between Kaleswaram and Bhadrachalam, Bogatha falls is formed on Chikupally Vagu that merges with River Godavari. Situated amidst thick vegetation, Bogatha Falls is a favorite picnic spot for the residents of nearby villages. Dropping from a height of over 50 feet in several parallel streams, the water is collected into a large pool at the bottom of the falls. Swimming in the pool is a favorite activity here and swimming here is considered safe.
Bogatha waterfalls are also called as nayagara of India. It is very superb place to visit in between the rainy and mansoon season. But there is no accommodation places near. It's a one day visit. Need to arrange food and water before going to this place.
Bogatha falls are located in picturesque location. Cannot swim in the plunge pool. Lot of rocks are there on the bed of the pool. So no diving, if you dive will definitely get hurt. Can soak in water. Not advisable to go to the plunge area. No amaenities or food options available at the falls.
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