How to configure PHP MailList DB and Email configurations

Thursday, July 12, 2018 0 Comments A+ a-

FILE: /lists/config/config.php
// what is your Mysql database server hostname
$database_host = '';

// what is the name of the database we are using
$database_name = 'dbname';

// what user has access to this database
$database_user = 'dbusername';

// and what is the password to login to control the database
$database_password = 'dbpassword';

//  Email configurations
define('PHPMAILERHOST', '');   // SMTP server name

$phpmailer_smtpuser = '';   /// SMTP username
$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'MxDE5T6';   // SMTP password
$phpmailer_smtpport = '465';   //SMTP port
$phpmailer_smtpsecure = 'ssl';

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